
Medically assisted treatment made easy & affordable

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Tele Med Clinix is changing the way we think about medication-assisted treatment. We want you to be successful, and proud of getting better! Without the roadblocks of accessibility or price.


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Opioid use disorder (OUD) & Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)

Opioid use disorder (OUD) is a major health problem in the United States. It is caused by the use of drugs like heroin and prescription painkillers, and can lead to serious health problems and even death.
Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is a way to treat OUD that combines psychotherapy with FDA-approved medications like methadone and buprenorphine.
MAT has been shown to reduce the risk of overdose, infectious disease transmission, and criminal activity. However, access to MAT is limited in rural areas, due to a shortage of providers, lack of comprehensive addiction programs, transportation issues, and cost.
Rural doctors are also concerned about drug diversion and a lack of mentorship. The prescribing of MAT with buprenorphine requires a DEA waiver, which family medicine providers can easily obtain. MAT can be incorporated into outpatient practices, where it is effective for treating OUD.

Is Medication Assisted Treatment Evidence Based?

Yes, medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is considered an evidence-based approach for treating opioid use disorder (OUD).
It has been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of overdose, infectious disease transmission, and criminal activity in people with OUD.
Several studies have also found that MAT can improve patient outcomes and increase their chances of recovery.
In addition, MAT is recommended by leading healthcare organizations, such as the American Medical Association and the World Health Organization, as a best practice for treating OUD.

  • 1. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. American Psychiatric Association; 2013. doi: 10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596 [Google Scholar]
  • Morone NE, Weiner DK. Pain as the fifth vital sign: exposing the vital need for pain educationClin Ther. 2013;35:1728-1732. doi: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2013.10.001 [PubMed]
  • Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. Results from the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: detailed tables. Published September 7, 2018. Accessed December 01, 2022 [SAMHSA]

Frequently asked questions

Medications to treat substance use disorders are available. Methadone, Buprenorphine, & Naltrexone are the most common. These medications are helpful in managing cravings for opioids—prescription pain meds, heroin, fentanyl are types of opioids.

In addition to medications, behavioral therapy is recommended. Therapy, counseling, and mutual aid groups in combination with the medication are the most successful way to recover from a substance use disorder.

Tele Med Clinix FDA-approved buprenorphine products approved for the treatment of opioid use include:

  • Sublocade (buprenorphine extended‐release) injection for subcutaneous use
  • Suboxone (buprenorphine and naloxone) sublingual film for sublingual or buccal use, or sublingual tablet.

The Tele Med Clinix FDA-approved naltrexone products approved for the treatment of opioid dependence include:

  • Vivitrol (naltrexone for extended-release injectable suspension) intramuscular

Heroin and other opioids cause you to develop serious cravings for more of the drugs. The struggle to resist those cravings is why the relapse rate soars after the initial addiction treatment.
Medically assisted treatment helps to curb those cravings. The anti-craving medications work by blocking a person’s opiate receptors. Thereby reducing the urge to use.
Without that overwhelming urge to use the drug. It becomes easier for those who are suffering from substance use disorders to break that crushing grip that the drug has on them.
The length of your medically assisted treatment is entirely up to you and your recovery care team.
You should look for a medical provider who listens to your requests and works with your needs to either continue or change your medications.
The evidence shows, that long-term MAT treatment can be beneficial in the result of long-term recovery.

It is important tot know that no medication alone will break the attachment an individual has with their drug of choices, lifestyle, rituals, and people. That is why mutual aid groups and/or counseling is recommended alongside medication assisted treatment.

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