Addiction Psych Treatment
What we do
Outpatient Addiction care
Often, Substance Use (SU) co-exists with existing mental health conditions. These disorders can go years without diagnosis or proper treatment.
By providing the essential mental health help our patients need, we increase the likelihood of a lasting recovery.
Our substance use treatment program re-defines outpatient addiction treatment. By prioritizing the mental health of our patients, we treat addiction at the source. Recovery is not one-size fits all, and conquering mental health is no small feat.
But, with the help of our certified addiction providers, you can take back your mental health and your life.
Our clinic will take the time needed to evaluate and plan your unique journey, centered in physical and mental health.
Whether you are seeking services at our Sanford, Florida office, or live across the Treasure Coast area - we would be happy to assist you, to become the best you.
Services Available
- specialized in addiction treatment
- 24/7 Online booking
- Medication Management
- medication assisted treatment (MAT)
- Anti-Craving Medications
- Vivitrol
- Suboxone
- Urinalysis & Toxicology testing
HIPAA-Compliant Telehealth
Get Seen by a Doctor Now -Without Leaving Your House
Telemedicine is the future of modern recovery services, and we are pleased to provide you with the latest and greatest in substance abuse treatment.